Saturday 7 December 2013

Happy For You Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Happy For You Quotes Biography


 I wasn't especially happy about going there, partly because I just wanted to get home, and partly because I didn't know what to expect. But here I was in the car, the lush green trees going by too fast. I glanced at my friend, Cori, who confidently drove up the road she had often traveled. I wondered how Cori, a former Miss Teen Connecticut, could be so passionate about something that seemed so unappealing. She had sought me out one day to ask if I would like to volunteer with her. I was unsure and a little scared, but despite that here I was, at the threshold of the red-brick building.
Inside, what I saw overwhelmed me: people dying, their wheelchairs providing a prop for their withered, worn bodies. The smell made me feel sick and I could taste the odor as we went into different rooms. I was introduced to the residents, many of whom could barely hear. Others would listen, and reach for my hands, begging for a hug - a treasure they rarely got. Some screamed wild things, and even thought Cori was my mother. When I left, I was shaken. I closed my eyes and tried to sort out the images of the convalescent home.
I won't tell of every encounter I had, only that I kept going back. What compelled me to continue was unclear at first, but suddenly, I found myself driving there every week. Eventually something wonderful began to happen. I got to know the residents, and they were not at all as they seemed at first. They truly loved everyone. At times they didn't remember me, but I began to understand how much sunshine a smile could bring, and that a gesture of sensitivity could make a difference.
In the rec room, I sang and danced with those in
wheelchairs I had once thought were no more alive than statues. I listened to their life stories - one had been a singer, one a Marine, and many were parents. I loved to talk with them about their families, and some showed me pictures of grandchildren. What I found most amazing was the humiliation they had to deal with: many couldn't bathe themselves, much less go to the bathroom without help. Yet they retained their pride simply by living, loving, and seeing each other as wonderful, regardless of their imperfections.
One day I was asked to help polish ladies' fingernails. I was no expert, so I was a little nervous. I was messy, but one woman told me not to worry, thanked me, and said, "You made my fingers look pretty." These words were short and simple, but I was surprised by them.
I grew fond of the residents, especially Rose, who one day grabbed my arm and whispered, "I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy you come."
I've been there every week for a year and a half now. Cori went to college, and left me to preside over a group from our school who visit the residents. I continue to sing, dance and talk with them. I have developed two new skills: the ability to listen to unspoken words, and to see the beauty behind each individual. I enjoy their stories, and realize now how much knowledge they possess, knowledge that cannot be found in books.
They are inspiring, and encourage me in so many things. I recall one conversation with a lady about school. "Do you do well in school?" she asked.
"I try," I said, a grin leaking across my face.
"You have to do your best," she said, very serious. "Your education is so important."
"I know."
"Make sure to do your best. You're going to go somewhere in life."
Sometimes I watch these people and think what I would tell others if I were asked to put into words the motivation they give, or if I could accurately describe my experiences. Deep down, I don't think there are words. I can only encourage others to visit. I believe only with experience can one really feel compassion and the lessons that they teach us. After thinking hard, I smile, and am able to understand my motivation.
Looking into the eyes of the residents and seeing a story of laughter and tears, and knowing that by showing simple compassion, I am becoming part of their story, even if they do not remember me five minutes later; I am a part of them, one who makes them happy and impacts their lives for the better.
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U Make Me Happy Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

U Make Me Happy Quotes Biography


Happiness is the most important feeling that people can feel. one essential standard for living is being able to be happy. Happiness can be found in many different forms. Positive people are happy people. No matter what type of hardships they have to endure, they try to overcome and believe the day they hope. They know what happiness is and try to forget something negative. There are three effects that make me happy which are are having energy, having money and having good health
The first effect of being happy is having energy. There are many ways of having energy. Exercise is one of the ways that can gain energy. Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When I engage in physical activity, I burn calories. As a result of burning calories and lose wight, my body will lean and fit. So this is one of the effects that usually makes me more confidante, improve my self esteem and make me happy. In addition, having energy makes me live longer. For instance, exercise and have energy make my healthy, and less likely to get diseases. So, this is one of the important reasons that makes me happy. Furthermore, Do an actual workout is also one of the effects that makes me happy. For example, physical activities such as ride a bicycle or walk for 30 minutes stimulates that brain that may leave me feeling happier and more relaxed.
The second effect of being happy is having money. Having money allows me to buy what I want and need without thinking of the price. Usually when gets what I want, I feel a great feeling which is a feeling of happiness. As well, when I have money, I can travel anywhere I want at any time I want. Traveling actually refresh my mind, relax me, and makes me blessed and happy. Moreover, when I have money, I will be able to help poor people. Poor people are living in a difficult situation; therefore, I have to support them by money to be satisfy and happy. For example, when I help a poor family for buying them the stuff they need, they will be overwhelmed with happiness. This will makes me feel the same happiness they felt. For theses reasons I think that having money is one of the effects that make me happy.
Last, having good health makes me happy. the most fundamental part of having a happy life is your health. Being healthy allows me to work and make money, and have all of the things I want. On the other hand, when I am not so healthy, I cannot accomplish or achieve my common goals; consequently, I become angry and sad. Also, when my health not allows me from doing things that I want to do, I lose my potential and become a liability to my family members. It becomes a suffering in my whole life. My health is everything because having good health enables me to perform the daily functions of my life and makes me happier. For example, for my normal life it allows me to be able to go to university, and make friendships. Also, good health means being able to hang out with friends, and have fun. Good health allows me to enjoy a happy life.
In conclusion, I have talked about effects of happiness and explained them which are having energy, having money and having good health. I hope we are always happy, convenient, satisfied, pleased. But the fact that the unhappy exists makes the moment of happiness more valuable. So, the attitude we should have is to thank our happiness. So, we have to just think tomorrow and forget the past because we create our own happiness.
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Monday 2 December 2013

Happy Heart Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Happy Heart Quotes Biography


Essay on Be Happy, Laugh and Laugh to Your Heart’s Content. The title should not be misinterpreted as meaning that a person should cultivate the habit of laughing always without worrying about anything. There is nothing more nonsensical than this statement.
Laugh while you have to laugh and you can laugh when you have attained the satisfaction of having achieved success in your endeavour.
What is necessary for a hearty laugh is the fulfillment of our wishes. Nothing can be more desperate for a person than the fact that he has failed in an undertaking. So we should bend over backwards in our attempts to win success. In the face of failure we will be low-spirited and sullen. The sine quo non for success is single-minded attention to anything we do and if we have this firmly in mind it is our right to pluck the fruit of success.
There are many who take success and failure with a spirit of detachment. This mentality spells ruin to us. An ambitious man is one who yearns for success in his endeavors and persevering as he is, he has no chance of failure. He wants to laugh after he has finished what he has undertaken with resounding success.
Laughter is the best medicine, elders say. There is a lot of truth in it. A person who laughs and laughs lasts longer than others. This means a laughing, happy person lives longer than others. There is no use of worrying over anything and everything. A person who is rich, who has all comforts, may be moody, sad, because of some reason. He may have health problems, his child may suffer from some disease or his wife may not be cooperative with him. There are so many reasons for a man’s sadness and moodiness. A person should not magnify a small problem and worry himself imagining the worst.
A person may suffer from financial problems. If he worries himself all the time what will happen to his family? As he is facing a financial crisis his health may be affected. He should think ways and means of solving his financial crisis. He may think of having a part-time job. If his wife is educated and is at home as a housekeeper, he may seek for her a job. Just worrying over a problem does no good. Worry makes a person confused and he loses even the little energy he has. A person should be able to keep himself active and happy in the midst of worries. He should cheer up the members of his family. He should somehow tide over a crisis.
A student may have to prepare for an examination. He may have to read a lot. Instead of worrying over the unread lessons he should carefully read his lessons and be well-prepared for the examination. If a student worries that he has a lot to read nothing fruitful will happen. He should get into action. Having prepared for the examination he can laugh, laugh to his heart’s content. From a young age we should develop the habit of not worrying too much over anything. In fact some diseases become worse as you become tense, worried. Psychological problems arise if you are moody; think again and again over a problem. High blood pressure affects the heart and if you tend to worry over your disease it may lead to a heart attack. It is of course difficult to smile, laugh, in the midst of worries. But it is good so smile, to laugh, in the interest of our good health.
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Life Happy Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Life Happy Quotes Biography


To be successful you have to be happy and useful, I believe that a successful person, is most likely to be happy and useful, as happiness, usefulness and success, are a package deal, even though they are all different for different people.
Success is measured in different ways by different people. Whether it means saving up and travelling the world, dieting and losing 10 kilos or even making lots and lots of new friends, success is to achieve any goal you set for yourself.
Happiness is to feel good about yourself after you have achieved your goal. Although many believe happiness is bought from money Professor Daniel Kahneman of the University of Princeton said, “ Standard of living has increased dramatically and happiness has increased not at all ” meaning even though we all have more money we are still as happy as we were without it.
Being useful, can make us feel both, success and happiness you can be useful in many ways, helping someone else, helping yourself or helping an organisation. Being useful can make you feel happy about your self and once you have helped yourself or someone else you feel good about yourself for example, your aunties dog just died, she goes away to try and forget about it, and for when she comes home you buy her a new dog, you go look online for a new puppy and when you find one after two days you call up not knowing if their going to be all sold or not, there is one left you then drive for 1 and a half hours to get it and when you give it to your auntie she is so happy she is crying, the feeling you get after that is , happiness because you have done something good for someone else and success because it took you time to find it and the person appreciated it and you achieved you goal.
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Funny Happy Friday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love

Funny Happy Friday Quotes Biography


Yesterday was a “good” day. First, I woke up in a great mood, dressed my myself and my son, took him to daycare, then I went to work. While driving in the car, I can remember thinking, gosh I need a new vehicle! I get to work, grab a bagel and a cup of tea. Then, I hear my supervisor tell me, “were short staff today so your on the drive thru”! I hate working the drive but my positive attitude was not going to allow that to ruin my day. So after I have my bagel, I unlock my cash vault and begin my morning regimen to start the busy Friday. I take a deep breath and say to myself, I feel good today so assuming attitudes are contagious my customers should feel good too, right?... Something in my mind told me that even though I was in such high spirits, some sort of catastrophe was going to turn my day from one extreme to the next. Optimism was no match for the obstacles to come my way on this day. I was not surprised when it went from good, to bad, to worst.
Its 8:45, time for the morning huddle …“Good morning everyone! It’s a ten hour work day, were short staff and the lines are going to get tough. Remember, referrals, smiles and gallop are our three focuses for today. Any questions?… well good luck and try to make the best out of today!” While my manager graces the floor with her words of encouragement, all I could do was think about starting work. After the huddle, I go back to the tellers side and turn on the green lights in the parking lot indicating the drive up window is open for business. A crowd is already starting to form. I take the first client at the drive up window, while my co workers tackle the crowd from inside. We are all swamped and its only 9:15. The lobby empties long enough for us to breath and stretch. This is pretty much the pace all morning long. My manager leaves for an important meeting.
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Funny Happy Friday Quotes Tumblr Cover Photos Wllpapepr Images In Hinid And sayings For Girls Taglog Pics Love
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